(281) 546-6428

Houston Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan Believes His Clients

Houston Criminal Attorney Jim Sullivan believes his clients.  He advises his clients to tell him what happened and develops a specific defense strategy based on that story.  Many such stories may seem unbelievable or incredible to the layperson or even other...


Houston Criminal Trial Lawyer Jim Sullivan has represented more than 3,000 clients in criminal and juvenile courts in Harris and surrounding counties.  The trial cases listed in the graph below and the detailed accounts that follow the graph represent just a small...

Angleton / Brazoria County Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan Keeps His Ideals

I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. -Anne Frank, Holocaust diarist (1929-1945) Angleton / Brazoria County Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan is still an idealist after 19 years of practicing criminal and...

Grand Jury

Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer Jim Sullivan has a proven record (see below) in getting felony cases no billed (dismissed) by the Grand Jury.  When a person is accused of a felony offense, there may be the possibility of his defense attorney winning his felony case at...

Katy Criminal Defense Lawyers Jim Sullivan and Associates Can Help

Katy, Texas / Harris County Criminal Lawyers Jim Sullivan and Associates The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure. ~Sven-Goran Eriksson, Swedish football manager, present day. Katy / Harris County Criminal Attorney Jim Sullivan can represent you well in...